ISMA 2019

ISMA 2019

Dr. Golovin and Kamran attended the inaugural International Symposium on Materials for Anti-Icing, hosted by NTNU in Trondheim, Norway. An excellent two-day gathering of some of the top minds in anti-icing materials!

Dr. Mohseni joins OPERA

Dr. Majid Mohseni is the lastest member of  the OPERA group, coming to us from France. Welcome Majid!


LIT Research

Behrooz proving to be the group artist once again! (Science publication)  

Kick-off connection

Kick-off connection

During the kick-off of COMFORTS, the BC Dragoons decided to roll up onto campus. Roozbeh was on top of things!

LIT Media Coverage

Our work on LIT materials was featured on Global News!  

Science publication!

Science publication!

Our latest study on anti-icing materials has been published in Science! LIT materials will hopefully revolution the deicing paradigm and we are excited to finally share these insights with the world. Low-interfacial toughness materials for effective large-scale deicing Media coverage: UBC Press Release University of Michigan Press Release CBC Calgary AAAS Toronto City News […]

New publication!

New publication!

In collaboration with MIT, UT Dallas, and the University of Michigan, our latest study on understanding superhydrophobic drag reduction in turbulent flow is published in Physics of Fluids. An Editors Pick too! Influence of textural statistics on drag reduction by scalable, randomly rough superhydrophobic surfaces in turbulent flow

Wenting receives the IURA

Wenting has been awarded the prestigious International Undergraduate Research Award, which will fully fund her summer research project on normal ice adhesion. Congratulations Wenting!!

Dr. Hajiraissi joins OPERA

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Roozbeh Hajiraissi as the latest postdoctoral scholar in the OPERA Lab. Glad to have you on the team! Researchgate page for Dr. Hajiraissi

Conference Talk

Dr. Golovin was invited to give a Plenary talk at the International Symposium on Materials for Anti-Icing, being held in Trondheim, Norway in May 2019. This should be a very good event, with world experts converging to discuss one of the OPERA’s favourite topics! More info: